Evaluations to define the Baroque Manège Horse.

BEGI has created a unique and comprehensive Baroque Manège Horse Evaluation program. It sets a standard above anything being offered in the understanding of Manège Horses and their use in Artistic Horsemanship. It details the conformation, biomechanics, natural balance, ability, temperament and adeptness of the horse by using a special process. This program enables owners and trainers to distinguish how different types of conformation and movement influence the training of the Baroque Manège Horse.

BEGI Sample
The scoring for the Evaluations are not based on a low to a high system, this popular traditional system encourages an over breeding of "Winning" qualities or features. BEGI uses a scoring system that focuses on the balance of conformation and natural gaits for a specific prototype, in this case, a conformation that will allow the horse to excel in collection, and as a result, become an optimal artistic horse. The evaluations are not a halter class with winners and losers. They are an educational opportunity being offered by BEGI With many benefits that could include promotion of your stallion/s, mares & offspring on the BEGI site.